Monday, December 25, 2017

Winter Break Homework!

Dear Shingobee students and families,

For homework over break, you are invited to do as many of the following activities as you can! There is no need to write anything, but please be prepared to tell your classmates a story about something you did. Please also keep practicing your multiplication and division facts--when we return we will be working on those daily in school as well.

Thank you for everything, and wishing you all a warm and happy new year and a relaxing winter break,

Amanda and Alaina

Here is the homework link, and the list of activities below: Winter Break Homework

o  Build a blanket fort and read a book in it
o   Go sledding
o   Bake a treat for a neighbor
o   Try a science experiment
o   Read aloud to someone
o   Take a nature walk
o   Visit a museum
o   Volunteer your time
o   Write a letter to a friend or family member and mail it
o   Sweep or vacuum a room of your home
o   Put on a play with friends or siblings
o   Make a snow sculpture
o   Teach someone a new game or craft
o   Do the dishes after a meal
o   Learn to make a new recipe
o   Tell a good story to your family
o   Go ice skating
o   Visit the Como Conservatory
o   Make popcorn and cranberry strings
o   Observe a bird feeder
o   Shovel someone’s walkway
o   Make a meal for your family
o   Learn a new origami pattern
o   Sing with a group of people
o   Knit or crochet a gift for someone
o   Memorize a poem
o   Paint a winter scene
o   Write a story
o   Listen to a story from a grandparent’s childhood
o   Create a math game
o   Graph some data you collected
o  Go on an adventure
o  Take a night hike with an adult

o  Perform a song, play, or dance for an audience

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